Information according to e-commerce law:
Company name: Cafe - Pension Elisabeth, Lenk KG
Address: Bergliftstraße 1, 6363 Westendorf, Tirol
UID number: ATU40421600
Type of business: Rental and cafe, pastry shop
Manager: Josef Lenk
Supervisory authority: BH Kitzbühel
Telephone: +43 5334 8940 | Mobile: +43 664 1612052 | E-Mail:
Development / structure
Grafik- & Webdesign
Andrea Margreiter
Dorfstraße 16, 6363 Westendorf
+43 664 1030809 |
HOMEPAGE-TECHNOLOGY: Open Scoure CMS System Contao.
Image rights
Lenk KG,, Region & Image-Pictures from TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen Brixental (KAM): Vonier Peter, Stephan Bannach, Stefan Herbke, mirjageheye5
All texts on the have been carefully audited. However no guarantee can be given for accuracy, completeness or actuality of content. Lenk KG can therefore not be made liable.
For legal purposes we must point out that we cannot always influence the content of hyperlinks, and therefore not be made responsible. All personal details given are used exclusively for intended purposes and can be deleted on request.
Online dispute resolution
Consumers may submit complaints using EU online dispute resolution form: Complaints may also be addressed to the above email address.
Further information
See data protection guidelines