Frühstückspension Tirol

"Offers for your vacation in the Alps"


The packages can only be booked via the request here on the homepage.


Bookable from June to September

House guests receive a 40% discount on the green fee in Westendorf!

3 nights including breakfast and lunch package
incl. 4 green fees on the golf course Westendorf
€ 329,-- per person in a double room

5 nights including breakfast and lunch package
incl. 4 green fees with the Golf Alpin Card (over 40 courses in Tyrol and Salzburg)
€ 580 per person in a double room

7 nights including breakfast and lunch package
incl. 5 green fees with the Golf Alpin Card (over 40 courses in Tyrol and Salzburg)
€ 680 per person in a double room

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Tyrolean hiking days

4 nights including breakfast buffet 3-day hiking pass for the beautiful Brixental
€ 240 per person

7 nights including breakfast buffet 6-day hiking pass for the beautiful Brixental
€ 375 per person

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Super ski weeks

05.12.-18.12.2020  &  20.03.-11.04.2021

- 25% on the ski passes in the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser Brixental.

If a parent buys a ski pass for 3 days or more, children up to the age of 15 receive a FREE ski pass for the same period!

- 10% on the standard room rate.

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